Turkish nasheed "Allahumma Salli" with slideshow of Whirling Dervish photos.

yaraligim gulmedi yuzum
kan agliyor iki gozum

ne yazim belli ne yuzu
kurban olam ya muhammed
allahume sallai 3ala seyidna muhammed
sana selam olsun sana
ey canlar cani muhammed

kurban olayim ben sana
rabbimi sevdirdir bana

seviyiyorum yana yana
kurban olam ya muhammed
allahume sallai 3ala seyidna muhammed

sana selam olsun sana
ey canlar cani muhammed

ozledim seni efendim
senlen islami ogrendim

$u zalim mevsimi yendim
kurban olam ya muhammed
allahume sallai 3ala seyidna muhammed

sana selam olsun sana
ey canlar cani muhammed

ehlal sunnet ve jema3at
kuraniylen buldu sehat

ummetine her $efa3
kurban olam ya muhammed
allahume sallai 3ala seyidna muhammed

sana selam olsun sana
ey canlar cani muhammed

I am injured, my face hasnt smiled
my eyes have cried blood all this time
what can I say, but what my face is saying
I would be a kurban for you oh muhammed
(meaning I'd die for you out of my love)
may selam be on you
the life beyond all lives, Muhammad.
I would be kurban for you
you taught me how to love my Lord
I love you like a fire burns
I would be a kurban for you oh Muhammad
may selam be on you
the life beyond all lives, Muhammed.
I have missed you my Teacher
Through I learnt Islam
I won this Oppressive season over
I would be a kurban for you oh Muhammad
may selam be on you
the life beyond all lifes, Muhammad.
the people of sunnah and its congregation
they found sehat through the Qu'ran
the Intercesor for the whole Ummah
I would be a kurban for you oh Muhammad
may selam be on you
the life beyond all lives, Muhammad.

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