- 09 Eylul 2008
- 1531519
UFO Over New York City
Longer version with tight zoom-in at the end-- MUCH MUCH MORE DETAIL AT THE END:
"UFOs over New York and I ain't too surprised."-John Lennon
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it myself!!! Can someone please explain to me what this is??? Thanks in advance. My friend Dino Sorbello (www.tripwave.com) shot it out his window overlooking the east village. What is the explanation?
This page dedicated to Andy Kaufman, Lynne Margulies, Alan Abel, Loren Coleman and Timothy Green Beckley. I'd dedicate it to John A. Keel too but he'd probably be insulted!
This UFO footage is featured in the movie "Punk Rock Zombie Kung Fu Catfight" ( http://www.peterbernard.com/przkfcf ) which I made under my real name.
Breaking a cardinal Andy Kaufman rule, I'm going to tell you I'm really Peter Bernard, and on YouTube I make cartoons called Power People with actors in the U.S. and England.
For more by me please go to http://www.powerpeopleonline.com
or subscribe to my videos here under the name pbmachinima. Thanks!
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