- 22 Temmuz 2008
- 6391
Dünya'yı sallayacak bi video.Tam bi Sansasyon...Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun evlatları yeni oluşumun eşiğinde.Ottoman Empire,Ottomans,Jenissary,Medieval,total war,Crusaders,Europe,Turkey,The Turks,Atatürk,Hellas,Turkos,Turki,Repupl ic of Turkey...From YYMANES...Turkey Ottoman Türkiye Osmanlı Fatih Atatürk İmparator Yunan Greek Fetih Ottomanempire 1453 Turkish Turks Turk yıl 1453..İstanbul'un fethi.Türklerin muazzam gücü.Fatih Sultan Mehmet'in hayatı...Otoman Empire 1453
Ottoman Empire was established by OSMAN GAZİ.Ottoman Empire was a Turkish Empire and it the strongest empire in the cosmos history.
Ottoman Empire had 36 Sultans.Ottoman Sultans had different names:They was a CESAR of Rome empire ,Sultan of Islamic world,King of Europe and very important PADİŞAH of Turks...Padişah is mean Şah of the Şahs.Very important Padişah in the Ottomans Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror.He conquered İstanbul from 1453:The last castle of Rome Empire.His army the strongest army in his time.They called warriors of Islam.They name were Jenessary...Yes faithful Jenessaries...They were very noble.Turks demolished Byzantium and Conquered Constantinapol by their sultan "Sultan Mehmet".He was only 21.The cleaverest leader in history..After Sultan Mehmet II. the conqueror Turks governed Europe,Asia and North Africa.They governed 24.000.000 km2.And Otoman Empire was Demolished from World war I and than Republic of Turkey is established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Now Republic of Turkey Wait you for Travel in history.Turkey have great historic and touristic places.The fall of Constantinople, 1453. With the military expansion of the Ottoman Empire, the Byzantine Empire had shrunk. By 1430, it amounted to the city of Constantinople and environs, Thessalonika and environs, and a small state called the despotate of Morea in what is now southern Greece. In 1452 the sultan of Turkey, Mohammed II, built a fortress outside the gates of Constantinople. The following year he brought 200,000 to the siege, and a fleet of 70 ships lay adjacent in the Golden Horn. By contrast, the emperor commanded 7000 troops. Early on the morning of May 29, 1453, the Turks broke through the gates and violently seized the city. The sultan made it the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Hagia Sophia was immediately transformed into a mosque.
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