- 16 Eylul 2008
- 4374
The truth about your life - Part 1/3
original video can download here : http://www.4shared.com/video/NlTcHyDe/The_truth_about_your_life_-_Pa.html
HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT ??? "All the stories in our world are based on exact same theme and same idea: Fight between the good and bad." "Have you ever noticed, there's always some kind a struggle going on between the good and evil." "Anywhere you go, anywhere you look, its the same thing." "In schools, homes, offices, businesses, countries, everywhere." "Any TV show, any movie or video game: Same story; good fighting evil." " And we all want the good guy to win in the end and get whatever the prize, don't we.." "We do get sad when the good guy does not win. and it's considered a sad or bad ending." Do you know why???."
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