- 10 Eylul 2008
- 4320
The Messiah Trailer
The gospels seen through a very different lens is the brief summary of what "The Messiah" is all about . Never has there been an attempt to portray Jesus, the great prophet of God from a mutually Muslim and Christian perspective . Perhaps what had been lacking in the popular media in the twentieth century is made up in the first years of the twenty first .
Cast and shot with the best in Iranian cinema which has proven itself in international arenas ,this project strives to reach an international audience. The fruit of a vast research that spans the spectrum of Christian and Muslim sources, it will push to challenge many contemporary beliefs ,that have become callused through the centuries .
The appearance of Jesus as prophet of God who is trapped within conspiracies to eradicate his message and to abolish his mission is the key plot in this twenty part series.Furthermore, the pronouncement of the coming of the final prophet of God after Jesus ,the missing-link between Christianity and Islam is emphatically portrayed . It is this luminous path through which the viewer is guided in this historical religious revelation.
In the final episode , the ascension of Jesus unto heaven is the ultimate unifying code between Christians and Muslims alike. The story will depict this final turn of events and inevitably hearken the believers worldwide for the final appearance of the Apocalypse.
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