poem:Cat Stevens(yusuf Ä°slam)
music:hep bana(çemberimde gül oya)
the lyrics of Turkish song:

sebepsiz yere gitmedin ki sen (you didn't go not had causes)boÅ?luÄ?a beni koydun bilmeden (you put me emptiness by not knowing)yüzüme vuran boÄ?az rüzgarı (the bosphorus wind that calm me)hiç soÄ?uk deÄ?il sensizliÄ?inden (not so cold than without you)kendini görmek ne acı (it is so painful to see myself)yok olmuÅ? hayallerin çıkmazı (the finish of dreams)anlamak çok zor deÄ?il (it is not difficult to see)farkı yok aslında sonların (there are not any differences between the ends)bana bana hep bana (for me to me for me)ayrılıklar hep bana (leavings are all for me)gidenlerin ardından (looking behind of gone peoplebakakalmak hep bana (for me for me for me)bakakalmak hep bana korkumdan deÄ?il güçsüzlüÄ?ümden (it is not afraidness it is from my weakness)kaçtım her zaman geri dönmekten (I always escaped from returning)kısacık yolun ne kadar uzun (it is long way but it is short in fact)dalgalarda ben Å?imdi sarhoÅ?um (I am a drunker in waves now)kaybeden bir tek ben miyim (Am I only loser?)yok olan inancımı neyleyim (What can I do with my ending belief to love)son bir kez aÄ?la bana (please cry for me last time)gözyaÅ?ın sulara karıÅ?sın (your tears go with the sea)bana bana hep bana (for me for me for me)ayrılıklar hep bana (leaving all is for me)gidenlerin ardından (looking behind the gone people)bakakalmak hep bana(for me for me for me)Lyrics by :Levent CandasTranslation:Yeshim.

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