- 21 Aralık 2010
- 4835
Lion or tiger / Aslan ve Kaplan
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Over 9 million views for this dumb video, Thanks!
Not since Coke vs Pepsi, Blonds vs Brunettes, have we seen such a heated debate.
People have spent countless hours on the LION VS TIGER topic. And now we have the answer on tape!
(*no animals were harmed in the making of this video)
*In 2009, A team of zoologists at Oxford University compared the brain cavity in the skulls of both animals and found tigers are 16 per cent bigger than lions.
LIONS have a recognized 8 sub species with the largest getting over 500 pounds. They are listed as a Threatened Vulnerable species and current wild populations are only around 30,000.
TIGERS only have 6 sub species left (one being the S. China tiger which has not been seen in the wild for a long time) and the largest can get well over 600 pounds. They are endangered and their wild population is sadly around 3,000.
(*Featured in this video is a white tiger and they are NOT a sub species of tiger but rather are over bred in captivity for entertainment value)
"Fight Scene" Filmed at Big Cat Rescue-Tampa, Fl.
(Cameron the lion & Zabu the tiger)
Big Cat TV has many videos here on You Tube.
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