- 06 Eylul 2008
- 3628
Life of Bediuzzaman Volume 2
The Holy Qur'an is a never-fading and inextinguishable sun. He decides to prove that fact.
Bediuzzaman devides his life into two periods: "The period of Old Sayeed" is from his first visit to Istanbul until the First World War, and "the period of New Said" is from his exile to Barla where he started to compile "Risale-i Nur" (the Treatise of Light) until his death.
- The term in between the two periods is a period of self-accounting and self-struggle.
The Period of "Old Sayeed" (1876-1914)
- First education under his elder brother Mullah Abdullah.
- A rapid secondary and advanced level education in the theology schools of Eastern Anatolia.
- Became noted for his strong memory, intellect, and courage.
- His superiority in knowledge was recognized upon the exams and debates.
- Given the title "Bediuzzaman -- the unequaled of the time" by his teacher Mullah Fethullah, and this was well accepted by all the colleagues of the Eastern Anatolia.
- Visited many cities, lecturing the folk, debating and discussing with scholars, and teaching the students gathered around him.
- Would not accept anybody's alms-tax, charity, or gift
- Never hesitated to declare the right way (amr bilmaroof) and condemn the wrong way (nahi anil munkar) against the unjust and iniquitous tribe leaders and governors
- Thus, his purity, taqwa (God-consciousness, fear of God, avoidance of sins), and courage became famous
- Because of his virtues and actions at such a young age, received the love and admiration of the people of all levels and the scholars of all circles in the Eastern Provinces
- People mentioned of him as "the famous scholar (Mullah) Sayeed" in those years
- Once went to Van (an Eastern City neighboring Iran) upon the invitation of the governor, and stayed at governor's house
- During the 15 years at Van, gave lectures and educated people from among many different tribes. Explored physical sciences and even silenced the scientists that he argued.
- One day, read in the newspaper that the British Minister of Colonies had said to the British Parliament as he held the Quran, "We cannot rule over the Muslims as long as this Quran remains in their hands. We should do everything possible to remove this Quran away from their hands, or alienate Muslims against the Quran."
- Being so much distressed, decided to show and prove to the whole world that the Quran is a never-fading, inextinguishable spiritual sun.
- This decision was a turning point in his life to which he devoted his life. (1907)
- Thought that the best solution to combat Europe's plot to destroy Ottomans --in effect Islam, was to educate Muslims so strongly that they surpass the West both intellectually and scientifically, answering the needs of the present era.
- Advocated for the establishment of an Islamic university in Eastern Anatolia, which he named "Madrasatu'z-Zahra."
- This university were to serve three goals:
1. Eradicate the conflict between the so-called scientific thought and the religion by teaching the Islamic sciences together with physical sciences.
2. Eradicate the conflict between the regular school (maktab), the theology school (madrasah), and the dervish lodge (tekke).
3. Attract students from the entire Islamic world to promote the unity and solidarity between Muslims.
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