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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(28 August 1749 -- 22 March 1832)

a German writer. George Eliot called him "Germany's greatest man of letters... and the last true polymath to walk the earth."

said about the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Islam:

German poet, novelist, playwright and natural philosopher, one of the greatest figures in Western literature after whom countless institutes and associations have been named all over Europe and North America, namely Goethe Institute. All evidence have been taken from his own works and his letters to friends.

As a young man Goethe wanted to study oriental studies - but his father finally wanted him to study law; he always admired the first travellers to Arabia (Michaelis, Niebuhr), he was fascinated by it and read everything they published about their trips. In 1814/15 at the time of his "Divan" Goethe trained himself with the professors for oriental studies Paulus, Lorsbach and Kosegarten (Jena) in reading and writing Arabic. After looking at his Arabic manuscripts and having known about the Qur'an, Goethe felt a great yearning to learn Arabic. He copied short Arabic Du'as by himself and wrote: "In no other language spirit, word and letter are embodied in such a primal way." (Letter to Schlosser, 23.1.1815, WA IV, 25, 165)

In his "Divan" Goethe says:

"Whether the Koran is of eternity?
I don't question that!...
That it is the book of books
I believe out of the muslim's duty."

In a letter to his son August from the 17.1.1814 (WA IV, 24, 110) he adds: "Several religious ladies of us have asked for the translation of the Coran from the library." Goethe's positive attitude towards Islam goes far beyond anyone in Germany before: He published on 24.2.1816: "The poet [Goethe]... does not refuse the suspicion that he himself is a Muslim." (WA I, 41, 86) In another poem of the "Divan" Goethe says:

"Stupid that everyone in his case
Is praising his particular opinion!
If Islam means submission to God,
We all live and die in Islam."

Goethe affirmed the rejection of the unbelievers' challenge to the prophet Muhammad - may Allah bless him and give him peace! - to show them miracles where he says: "Wonders I can not do said the Prophet, / The greatest miracle is that I am." (Paralipomenon III, 14 of the Divan, WA I, 6, 476)

In "Mahomet" Goethe wrote the famous song of praise "Mahomets Gesang". The meaning of the prophet is put into the metaphor of the stream, starting from the smallest beginning and growing to be an immense spiritual power, expanding, unfolding, and gloriously ending in the ocean, the symbol for divinity. He especially describes the religious genius in carrying the other people with him like the stream does with small brooks and rivers. On a handwritten manuscript of the Paralipomena III, 31 of the "Divan" Goethe writes on the 27.1.1816:

"Head of created beings / Muhammed". (WA I, 6, 482)

Furthermore that true religion is shown by good action. Here Goethe especially liked the action of giving Sadaqa, giving to the needy. In several poems of the Divan, "Buch der Sprche" Goethe speaks about "the pleasure of giving" / "die Wonne des Gebens" / "See it rightly and you will always give" - "Schau es recht, und du wirst immer geben" (WA I, 6, 70) which already in this life is full of blessings.

In December 1820 Goethe wrote thanks for the gift of a book of aphorisms of his friend Willemer and says: "It fits ... with every religious-reasonable view and is an Islam to which we all have to confess sooner or later." (WA IV, 34, 50)

As a participant in the war of 1792 against France Goethe said that this belief in the decree of God has its purest expression in Islam: "The religion of Mohammed gives the best proof of this." (WA I, 33, 123)

Goethe said that there is "much nonsense in the doctrines of the [christian] church." (Conversations with Eckermann, 11.3.1832) In his "Divan" Goethe stresses the value of the precious present moment rather than having the Christian attitude of only waiting for the next life and therefore, disgracing what God gives man in every moment of his life.

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