- 11 Eylul 2008
- 182287
Giant Squid Fishing in San Diego Daylight
Here's a great video of kids catching a 35-40 lb Humboldt Squid off the coast of La Jolla, CA in March 2007. The squid, normally caught at night, were caught in the morning in the deep waters off San Diego at a depth of about 200 ft. They were caught on white/glow in the dark iron with treble hooks. On this day, we released 9 squid, and kept 3 to eat.
Dear PETA-LOVING FREAKS: We fish for food, period. What we do not eat, we return to the sea. After we brought this particular squid on board, it was slapped as an experiment to see if it changed colors (which it did). Many species of squids are equipped with photophores, bioluminescent light organs that function as camouflage, luring prey, reproduction, communication, or other yet undiscovered uses. One of which is a biology experiment for kids. Although not in this video, the head and tentacles were then cut off and the body was filleted and it was eaten that night. Get over it.
Also, if you're thinking that these squid are going to be extinct (you're most likely a lifetime PETA member) you're wrong. Read any of the recent articles about the huge quantity of Humboldt squid off the California coast and how they are threatening sport fishing for tuna etc. Check out any of the recent articles on the overpopulation of Giant Humboldt Squid in California and get over it!
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