Anadolu Gençlik Derneğinin düzenlediği 2005 Fetih Gecesinde Seher Çınar'ın 40 Yaşındasın şiirini yorumlayışı.. Mutlaka izleyin! www.lamelif.net - http://seyret.wordpress.com/
Public Service Announcement by Michael and his father. I believe this was an old radio PSA. Michael & dad were just messing around one day when they recorded this. bill white edina missouri edina mo
Will does a fascinating narration of Clement Moore's The Night Before Christmas. This has been described as being Will's signature piece. An alternate title for this poem is A Visit From Saint Nicho
ABD'nin Missisipi eyaletinde bir havalaanında meydana gelen doğa olayı kameralara saniye saniye yansıdı. Pistten kalkan Boeing 747 yolcu uçağına havalandıktan kısa bir süre sonra arka arka
hava buz gibiydi yıldırımlar düşüyordu üsküdardan bizim evin bahçesinden bir video buyurun izleyin..(:
Will narrates the Mark Rabinowitz poem "Image in the Glass." The poem is an interesting way of looking at the meaning behind the cliches "Beauty is only skin deep" and "You can't judge a book by its
Video clips set to music taken around Slea Head in the Dingle Peninsula. saint patrick's day saint paddy's day saint pat's day bill white gaelic gael o'neill o'neil celtic celt edina missouri edina mo
Video clips set to music of a cruise looking for dolphins in Dingle Harbour, County Kerry, Ireland. saint patrick's day saint paddy's day saint pat's day notre dame fordham chicago orland park truman
Slide show of comet McNaught ( C/2006 P1) from central Victoria Australia taken with a Fujifilm Finepix S6500fd f 3.8- 5.6 ISO 200 - 3200 2"- 30"sorry about the blur, its hard to focus in the dark!
Will plays the classic Christmas carol, Good King Wenceslas on the tin whistle. This is not Irish Tratidional music itm itrad but it still sounds pretty on the tin whistle. Sometimes it's nice to hea
Vidar Martinsen took successive photos of comet McNaught on January 9th, 2007, and animated it into this video. Comet McNaught is the brightest comet since 1975, and will reach perihelion on January
Will plays Henry Mancini's tune "Moon River" on the tin whistle. It's hard to think of the movie "Breakfast At Tiffany's" without thinking of its theme song. Megan Murphy This is not Irish Tratidiona
Plumes of hot gas shoot across the surface on even an average day on the Sun. Such volatile activity was captured in dramatic detail recently by the new Hinode satellite launched by Japan in late Sept
Spectra of a Jupiter-like by Spitzer space telescope. Video released by NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Will plays the classic Christmas song We Wish You A Merry Christmas on the tin whistle. This is a traditional piece during the holiday season. This is not Irish Tratidional music itm itrad but it sti
THIS IS A VERY IMPRESSIVE MOVIE TO HAVE BEEN DONE BY AN 8 YEAR OLD. PLEASE WATCH IT AND SEE IF YOU DON'T AGREE. The shimmering dots in the night sky appear so peaceful, yet you'll discover that th
Will plays Over The Waterfall on the whistle. I believe this is a fiddle tune from the Appalachian Mountain region of North America. The tempo is considerably slower than what many fiddlers play it,
My Will plays this poignant tune on the tin whistle. I'm not ashamed to say it still sends shivers down my spine. This one especially "gets to me" for reasons of my own. The melody is also known as
A video clip using my Coronado PST and Olympus C-770UZ. Seen sunspots are 930 and 933. Towards the end of the video a flare can somewhat kind of be seen. Finally, a sunny day, but it did not last t
On Nov/8/2006, the planet Mercury passed in front of the Sun. This movie was assembled from stills taken at every 15 minutes.
"He may not have played as fine as some others, but he felt the music deeply in his soul. Surely, that must have counted for something." Will plays Down By The Sally Gardens on the whistle. tin whistl
PLEASE WATCH PART 1 OF "MARS, JUPITER & SATURN - A SPACE VOYAGE" BEFORE WATCHING THIS CLIP. This is the conclusion of that movie. This is a very impressive video to have been done by an 8 year old.
From an original CD: JUPITER NASA-VOYAGER SPACE SOUNDS (1990) BRAIN/MIND Research Fascinating recording of Jupiter sounds (electromagnetic "voices") by NASA-Voyager. The complex interactions of charge
http://www.bullsworld.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jupiter imagery, from World Wind 1.4 showing off the new sun shading. Jupiter by Ho