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music is from the movie "The Island" composed by Steve Jablonsky 1. This Tongue Thing's Amazing 2. The Island Awaits You _____________________________________________ Pluto Mercury Mars Venus Ear
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READ THIS FIRST! : The Size Of Planets and Stars to Scale (see NOTE) Name of planets as shown: Pluto Mercury Mars Venus Earth Neptune Uranus Jupiter Saturn Name of Stars as shown: Sun Sirius Vega Pol
DVD: http://hilaroad.com/video/ This short astronomy video introduces the constellation Orion and M42, the Orion Nebula. Interesting stars in and around the constellation ... all » include Betelge
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The video starts looking at Pluto's moon, Charon, and it visits all the planets of our solar system, including Earth. Then we move 100 light years away to circle the Sun, away again to 15.000 light ye
We can compare here 28 stars that are alpha of their constellation, all seen at a fixed distance of 5 astronomic units.
earth size compared to rest of the planets and stars
Planets and stars size in scale
engin kocakaya, balkonda, uzundere, azord
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A mind blowing animation showing the relative size of planets and stars in our universe. Background music is from the song "Such Great Heights" by "The Postal Service". Original animation was made b
This one minute video visually demonstrates how tiny the earth is, as well as how tiny our sun and the other planets (and Pluto ;-) are. For an updated version of this video that includes even larger
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http://www.FreeScienceLectures.com The video shows how each planet scales in size relative to each other. The exploration begins at the smallest planet Mercury which has diameter of just 4880 km, th
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Planets and stars size in scale, Uranus isn't shown but it's barely bigger than Neptune. It shows: Mercury Mars Venus Earth Neptune Saturn Jupiter Sun Sirius Pollux Arcturus Rigel Betelgeuse Antares
The massive star Betelgeuse is unstable, with convection cells tens of millions of kilometers across (this movie is, of course, speeded up a great deal) Based on simulations by Bernd Freytag
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Living 13 years on Bonaire I experienced a whole new world, just a 5 hours flight away lay the Galapagos Islands. I have always believed that Bonaire had to be the most preserved and cared for Island
This video documents an absolutely incredible experience I had on a June 2004 trip to the Galapagos. I was fortunate to come across some Killer Whales (aka Orcas) in the wild and film a pod of them sw
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