Recited by Hamid Alimi and translated by Hayder Shirazi
Beautiful Munqabat - Koi Hussain a.s. sa Rehbar milay to ley ao - Urdu
May Allah speed his return to earth and accept us as his assistants in the struggle 2 end oppression and corruption on earth
Method and time of performing Namaaz e ayaat which is obligatory in certain conditions, i.e. solar or lunar eclipse, disaster in any aread, tornado etc.
Martyred body found in the soil after 22 years. Notice it is still fresh Subhanallah - Persian
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Gitme diyerek gönderdi Cepheye Babasini Sehit oluncada Tabutuna sarilarak, benimde Canim feda olsun Vatanima diye agladi
www.rahmettube.com - Cemal Kuru - Ey Yolcular
www.rahmettube.com - Cemal Kuru - Gururlanma
http://locutus.kilu.de (Ismail Coşar, Bilal Demiryürek) Ben melamet hırkasını kendim giydim kime ne (Haydar Haydar)
www.rahmettube.com - Cemal Kuru - Arayu arayu
Efendim - Mustafa Necati Bursali Efendimiz icin...
RADYO BEYAN , Şimdi bazı gerçekleri beyan etme zamanı , Video , Kuran , Allah , Hz Muhammed (s.a.v) , Ashab ,Mekke , Medine , İslam alimleri
My 2 year-old purebreed arabian stallion